Cleaning the kitchen and bathroom
Usually, after a general renovation of the house, thorough cleaning needs to be carried out. More and more people are renting a cleaning company with specialist equipment to carry out such cleaning. Her works include vacuuming floors using special vacuum cleaners that reduce the amount of dust in the house. After this thorough vacuuming you can only wash off all floors. The kitchen and bathroom are also cleaned, these rooms usually also need to be well ventilated after the work. At the same time, heavily soiled windows are washed very precisely. Usually, the first dirt is wiped off the first dirt with wet cloths and then cleaned with the use of window washing liquids.
Washing windows before winter
Although home housewives love to wash windows in the summer, however, summer storms and gale are conducive to dirty windows and the formation of various streaks on them. Therefore, they try to use the autumn weather to thoroughly clean windows before winter. Not all ladies can stay in the sun and feel bad while working during high heat, while in the autumn it is also warm, but the temperature does not reach thirty degrees. Thanks to this, you can work calmly even at noon and involve other family members in the joint work. After the last cleaning of the windows before winter, you can additionally seal them, and thus protect the house from the inflow of cold air.
Throwing off old shoes
Clothes that are in the home wardrobe sometimes need to be rearranged and suspended. When you put your clothes into the closet after washing, some of them may be crumpled and others fall off the hanger, so you have to constantly place them in other places. Every now and then a review of clothes is carried out, during which old clothes are thrown out, which we have not managed to wash or have long ago walked in, but only translate them to a different place after each wash. Such clothes can also be collected by us in some place, and then packed in bags and displayed in front of the house during the collection of clothing. Similarly with old shoes, which sometimes we have a dozen or so pairs of, and just look at them and throw them away.